List of Tamil words in Kashmiri language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Kashmiri language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Kashmiri or Koshur is a language from the Dardic subgroup of Indo-Aryan languages, spoken by around 7 million Kashmiris of the Kashmir region, primarily in the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
In 2020, the Parliament of India passed a bill to make Kashmiri an official language of Jammu and Kashmir along with Dogri, Hindi, Urdu and English. Kashmiri is also among the 22 scheduled languages of India.
Kashmiri has split ergativity and the unusual verb-second word order.
There are about 6.8 million speakers of Kashmiri and related dialects in Jammu and Kashmir and amongst the Kashmiri diaspora in other states of India. Most Kashmiri speakers are located in the Kashmir Valley and other areas of Jammu and Kashmir. In the Kashmir valley, they form a majority.
Kashmiri is also spoken in Pakistan, primarily in the territory of Azad Kashmir, where the speakers are mostly concentrated in the Neelam and Leepa valleys and in the district of Haveli.] Their numbers are not known exactly, but in 2012 they were estimated at around 130,000. At the 2017 Census of Pakistan, as many as 350,000 people declared their first language to be Kashmiri. Further in Azad Kashmir, in last several decades due to encouragement of the Punjabi language and change in demography from nearby places the Kashmiri language is limited to small quarters of the area at present.

Clues to read Kashmiri words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Kashmiri word, a Tamil word can be derived.
- A Dictionary of the Kashmiri Language by Sir George A. Grierson
- Vocabulary of the Kashmiri Language by – William Jackson Elmslie
English- Kashmiri- Tamil
1.water- ab- apsu; pachchai thanni /fresh water is the root word; pachchai- fresh; thanni- water.
2.ten crores- abad –paththu / ten
3.pride- abiman –maanam
4.absence of difference/ identical- abid – oppudaiya
5.absence of difference/ identical- abyon/ eban - oppaana
6.first- ade-motha ; aadhi ; root word is thee / fire .
7.half- ad- paathi
*8.not burnt- adod- thee idaathu ; thee- fire.
9.respect- adar- mathiththar
10.the name of two villages -okur- karur / a village in Tamil Nadu
*11.a plough – ala- uzhu
*12.cardamom – ail –yaelam
13.the world- alam – gnalam
14.grandmother- ama- amma / mother; amaaye amma – mother’s mother; letters are read more than once.
*15.order/ command- an – aanai
16.coin -ana- naanayam / meaning- keeping one’s words.
17.calamity/ misfortune- apada- peedai
*18.opposite side- apor /apari – appuram / other side
*19.not dug- aprot- pariththidathu ; pariththidu- to dig.
20.sin- aparad- periya theethu; periya- big; theethu- evil .
*21.a saw- ar- ari
* saw- ara- aru
*23.hill stream/ rocky river- ara- aaru/river
24.night fall- arath –erutta/ getting dark
*25.unaccomplished -ased /asod –seithidaathu; saathiththidaathu .
26.sound less/ silent- ashebd- oaasai poaadathu / not making noise; oaasai- sound
*27.prisoner- asir- sirai/ prison
28.setting/ of sun – asth – saainthida
*29.alone- ot –oththiayaa ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once
30.flour- otu- idi maa ; idi- to pound; maa- flour.
*31.not scolded- atod- thittaathu ; thittu- to scold.
32.present given by parents to the daughter / bride- ata gath – kodai thaa; letters are jumbled; kodai- gidt ;thaaa- give ;thaai thathai kodai; thaai- mother; thathai- father. .
33.a rush of any liquid- ath- oaattam
*34.un weighed- atul –edai iduthal ; edai- weight.
*35.distressed- atur- thuyar
36.weapon- ayod- padai
*37.father- bab- appa
*38.great- bad- peththa
** of a village about 10 miles west of in Kashmir -bad- patti/ village
*40.learning- bud- padi / learn old man /woman- buda- paatti/ old man / grandma ; paattan- father of grand father.
*42.fluttering- budakh –pada padakka ; letters are read more than once.
*43.watchful / vigilant- bedar – paaththiduthar
44.share- bag- pankku ; paku- to share.
45.unprofitable/ useless -- be foida- payan paadu inmai- inami- nil ; payan paadu- use.
46.armpits- bagal- akkul ; kaikuzhi/ arm pit ; kai- arm; kuzhi- pit ;axilla[E] = kai kuzhi .
*47.dividing into shares- baganay – pakukkanum
*48.sea- bahar- paari
*49.fatty /fat - bikulu –kozhuppu ; letters are jumbled.
50.a goat- bakar- kori
*51.mountain- bal- peezhi
*52.child- bal – pillai
*53.nest/ bees – god- koodu
*54.pitcher- bana- paanai/ pot
*55.pot- bon – paanai
*56.fastened/ tied up- band- pinaiththidu
57.kinsman- band –pantham ; sontham
*58.first sale -bun- poani ; root word is panniyathu /made ; panniyar- tradesman.
* be made- banun- pannu
60.sister- bene- penn/ female
61.burden- bar- periya sumai ; periya- big; sumai- load; paaram .
62.fulness- bar- aar
63.a village in South -West Srinagar -biru- paer uoor; periya- big; uoor- village; puram /village; puri- town.
64.the district surrounding Agra and Mathura- braj- paer uoor
*65.fighting- bordus –poaridu / wage a war.
*66.prosperous- barkhurdar- perukuthar
*67.prosperity- barkath –perukida
68.shut / closed- basta- saaththu / shut; shut[E] = saaththu.
*69.bundle- basta- pothi
*70.a light/ candle- bat- pathhti; thee pantham is the root word.
*71.a flower worked on cloth – buta- poo idu ; poo itta thuni ; poo- flower; idu- make; putaa; pottu pottaa ; pottu- mark/ spot ;thuni- cloth .
*72.meeting- bith – paaththidu/ to meet
73.sufficient – bitur- poathiya oru ; poathiya- sufficient ;oru- one. of a place in Sri Nagar- South east -batawor- Padiyur- village in Kerala ; Pattiyur/ village in Tuticorin -Tamil Nadu .
*75.the earth – bawun- puvi
*76.a lucky throw/ dice- bayeth –poadu ;dice= thaayam .
77.desire for food- chod- soaaththu aasai ;soaaru- cooked food; aasai- desire.
*78.female genital -chora- siri / ? clitoris
*79.ticket- chithi – seettu
*80.loss- chath – saetham
81. enmity- cakh-pakai
82.mountainous tract in the west of Kashmir- cikar- sikaram/ peak
*83.small jacket- cul- seelai/ cloth
84.eating- cath – pusiththidu
*85.a bill for exchange – cith – seettu ; root word is yaedu /sheet.
*86.prayer- dua- thuthui
*87.noise of falling- dub- thoppu
88.proclamation drum- dabr – parai adi; parai- drum; adi- beat; letters are jumbled.
89.bold/ daring -dada- thidam
*90.elderly lady – ded- aaththaa ; full form -aaththaal .
*91.earthenware vessel- sod- satti
*92.burnt- dod- thee ittathu
* affection- dod- ottu
94.seeing- didar- paaththiduthar
*95. patting- dag-thattuka ; thatti kodu ;letters are jumbled,
96.a blow- dag- kuththu / to give a blow; uoothuka/ blow a trumpet; adikka/ blowing of wind.
*97. pounding- dog- idikka
98.a club/mace- dag- kattai; letters are in reversed order.
99.walking stick- dag- kai thadi ; letters are jumbled; kai- hand; thadi- stick.
*100.cheat- daga-yaeiththiduka peck- dig- koththa; letters are in reversed order.
102.a blow with the closed fist- dog- kuththu; letters are in reversed order.
* hit- dagun – adikkanum
*104.the human body- deh-thadi ;sattai .
*105.push- daka- idikka
*106.knock- daka- thattuka ; idikka
*107.impact- daka- thaakkam
108.collision- daka – moathuka
109.a support- dakh- thaankki ; thaankku- to support.
110.a help- dakh - uthavuka ; ka= va; va= ka.
* stop/ prevent / the ball rolling -dakh –thadukka / to stop
*112.a reed mat- dokh- thadukku ; thadukku paai . dukan-ankkadi; letters are in reversed order.
* eyed- squint- dukon- oththaikkann ; oththai- single; kann- eye.
*115.a lake- dal-thollam ; root word is aazham illaatha thanni ;aazham- depth; illai- nill; thanni- water.
*116.pounding/grain- dal-idiththal
*117.young and tender leaf-dal-ilai thazhai /leaf ;letters are read more than once.
*118.petal of a flower-dal-ithazh; petal [E] = poo ithazh; poo- flower.
* of the body- del-thole
*120.sheep skin- dala- aattu thole; aadu- sheep; thole- skin; letters are read more than once.
*121.unsteady gait- dala- thalladuthal ; letters are read more than once. search anxiously everywhere for something -dala- thaedi alaithal ; thaedu- search ; letters are read more than once.
* beat a person with a stick- del-thadiyaal adiththal; thadi- stick; adiththal- to beat.
* strip the skin- del- tholai edu; thole- skin; edu- take/ remove.
*125.likeness-dol –oththu ulla
126.drum- dol- maththalam ; root word is adiththal / moththuthal - beat
*127.pounded- dol- idiththal
128.the skirt- dol- thuyil/ cloth
129.a litter/ a kind of sedan- dol- doali ; root word is eduththal/ carry
*130.large earthen vessel- dul- thaazhi
*131.dwelling place/ house- dam- idam
132.a drum beaten on both sides- dam- dam- thampattam
133.a bow- dan – thanu ; thanusu ; root word is thandam . dan – thaanam ; root word is thaa- to give; gift [- ka – [- pa] - the-] – kodai /gift . letter pa is silent.
*135.grain- dana –thinai / millet/ grain is to be given -dini- thanthidu
*137.of giving- dinuk – thanthiduka
138.not having given- dinay- thanthidaathu
*139.punishment/ fine - dand- thandanai
*140.pole/ post- danda- thandam ; root word is thadi .
* dunya –thinai
*142.pushing- dapha- idippu
*143.door- dar- thirappu
*144.calculating the weight of the load- dar- edai iduthar; edai- weight.
*145.against- dar- ethiraa ; ethiri/ enemy .
*146.possessing -dar- adaithar
147.a support- dara- thaarippu ; aathaaram .
* stopped/ impeded- dara- thaduththar
149.hinderance/ impediment- dol- thaduththal/ to hinder
150.thieves- dara- thaenar ; root word is eduththar /taking .
*151.running- dor- oaaduthar
152.weaver’s room- dor- thari / handloom
*153.rope- dora- thaaram
154.firm/ hard- dor- uruthi ; letters are in reversed order.
*155.distant/far - dur – ettaththir
*156.narrow lane between houses- dur- theru
*157.disputing- darkh- ethirkka / to oppose of a town/ district in Baltistan – drasa- Thiruchi/ town in Tamil Nadu ;Thirur / town in Kerala .
159.the sight- drasht- theriyuthu / it is seen
160.a door/doorway - darwaza- waayir thirappu ; letters are jumbled; vaayir- entrance/ gate ;thirappu- door / opening.
161.cleft - darz- thirappu
*162.a seam- darz- theiyar
163.slave- das- adimai
164.obstruction- das-thadai
165.stout club- das- thadi
166.bad/ evil- dushth – theeyathu
*167.a nurse/ mother- data- uoottu thaai ;uoottu- feed; thaai- mother.
168.please give- dita- thanthidu / give.
169.ivory- doth –thantham
170.cut into two parts- dutaka- thundaakku/ cut off
*171.running- dav- voadu ; letters are in reversed order.
172.devil/ demon- dev -theeyavan
173.god of gods- deva dev- theivaththin theivam
*174.goddess- divi – theiva thaai
*175.god/ deity- diwata- thee vadivam; thee- fire; vadivam- form.
*176.divine mothers- -diwath- theiva thaai ; thaai- mother; theivam- god.
*177.loose/ flabby – dyol- thola thola
* dyar- thiru
*179.fort/ castle- gad- koattai
*180.a bunch of greens- ged- koththu / bunch
*181.pot- gada- kudam ; root word is kudaivu / /kudaa- hollow.
182.beggar- gada- kai yaenthi ; kai- hand; yaenthu- hold up.
183.krishna /the club bearer- gada dar- kattai udaiyaar ; kattai- wood/ stick; udaiyaar- one who has.
*184.vulva- gud- koothi/ vagina
185.anus- gud- kutha oaattai ; kutham- ; oaattai- hole.
*186.difficult- gud- kadinam
*187.a hole- gud- kuttam
188.ceremonial sprinkling with water- god- kuda muzhukku of a village on the bank of Sindhu River- gadur- kudi eruppu / hamlet/ residential area; kaattur / village name in Tamil Nadu
190.bunch of greens/ potherbs- gadur- keerai kattu ; keerai- spinach/ greens ; kattu- bundle ; letters are jumbled.
*191.a small round metal pot shaped like a bowl- gudwa- kuduvai
*192.sphere- gogul- koalam
193.water jar- gagr- karakam
194.muddy /water - guhul -kalankkal / muddy
195.the act of grinding- gakhr- araikka ; letters are in reversed order.
196.a place on the bank of Yamuna- gokul- koa kulam ; koa- cattle; kulam- family.
*197.a shout/ scream- gul- kooval ; ka= va; va= ka.
*198.mud/ clay /earth- gil – kali munn
199.neck- gal- kazhuththu
200.windpipe- gal- kuzhaai/ pipe
*201.ball/ globe- gola- koalam
202.a flower- gul- mokkul / flower bud ; mukil.
*203.cave- gol- kizhippu
*204.a kiss on the fore arm- guli – myuth- kaiyil muththum idu ; kai- hand; muththam- kiss; idu- make.
205.grain merchant- galadar- koola ettiyar ; kooLam- grain; Yettiar – merchant caste .
*206.confusion/ jumble /mess- gol mol- kalam mulam ena
207.village/hamlet - gam- kam
*208.a knot/ on a cord -gand -kandu
209.the Ganges – hill stream- Ganga ara- aaru / river
*210.a kind of wild fruit-gon - kani/ fruit
*211.mathematics- ganith –kaniththidu /asess/ calculate ; kanitham
*212.prostitute- gon- kanikai
213.cowherd- gopal- koa payal ; koa- cow.
214.cowherd-goph- koaanan
*215.worker/ maker - gar- aakkukiravar ; ka= va; va= ka; aakku- make; kammiyar .
216.cave- gar- kar paazhi ; kukaram .
* gara- koora akam / hut; giraka .
*218.sparrow- gara- kuru ee
*219.boundary- gera- karai
220.teacher- gor – kanakkaayar; letters are read more than once; guru.
221.large rock- gor- kar paarai
* gur- kurai
*223.cowherd- gur- koaanar
*224.the womb- garb- karu pei ;karu- embryo; pei- bag.
*225.poverty- garibi- kurai / less/ inadequate
226.pregnant- garben- karu vaana penn ; karu- embryo/ baby; penn- female ; ka= va; va= ka.
*227.crying- girye- karaiya
*228.violence- gata- kodiya ; kodumai .
*229.being crowded- gasith – koottamaa
*230.too small- got- kutti
231.a song- gita- kathai paattu; kathai- story; paattu- song; geetham .
*232.grief- gat- kothippu
*233.going- gath- yaekida
*234.a knot- gat- kattu
* fasten- gat- kattu
*236.squares for playing chess- goth –kattam/ square
*237.hard lump- got- katti-
*238.a country village- guth – kudi
*239.the place in a village where cattle congregate-guth- kottadi
*240.a tumour behind the ear – guth- kaathu katti ;kaathu -ear; katti- swelling.
*241.bunch/ cluster- guth- koththu
242.tied up bundle or package -guthr- kattuthar / act of tying .
*243.bundle of / sticks/ grass- -gyod- kattai kattu ;kattai – stick; kattu- bundle.
*244.a killer- gatukh- kathukan; kaathidu- to kill.
*245.above/ top - hyur- uyarae
*246.paradise- janath –saenn naadu
*247.showers- jara- soriya
*248.suit of clothes- jur- serai /cloth
*249.twisted / matted hair- jada- sadai
* who has matted hair- jatyul- sadai ulla light -juth-sen thee/ divine fire; thee- fire.
252.victory- jith- saaiththida; jeiththida .
253.a garment worn by men – kaba- kuppayam
*254.a prison- kod- kottadi
255.prisoner/ captive - kod- kaithi
*256.bundle- kad- kattu
257.section- kad- pakuthi
258.evil body- kodeh- ketta/ evil
259.scolding- kadane- kadinthidu
260.temper/ disposition/ nature - kho- kunam
261.mountain- koh- kamai
262.beam of wood- khada- kattai/ wood; vittam; ka= va; va= ka.
263.a woman previously chaste and modest who has taken harlotry- khad- kooththiyaa / harlot / dancer
*264.distress/ affliction - khid- kaedu
*265.a cavity- khod- kudaa
*266.a small pit- khod- kundu
267. god- khoda- kaaththaan / protector
*268.a sword- khadakh- katakam
269.marriage- khadar- kattuthar
* 270.thrashing floor- khal- kalam
* khel- kulam
*272.sports/ play- khela- kaezham
*273. company – khel- kuzhu
*274.empty- khol- kaali
*275.broad / wide- khol- akalam
*276. ruin- khilal- kulaichchal ; kulaiya .
*277.stone mortar – khalr kal ural ; kal- stone; ural- mortar ; letters are jumbled.
*278.stirring up of clear water so as to make muddy-kholuw- kulappu
*279.lord/ prince- khan- koan/ king
*280.division of earth/ country – khand- kaandam
*281.angry- khapa- kopam; kaaya .
282.donkey /ass- khor- eruvai ; ka= va; va= ka.
*283.blacksmith- khar- karuman; karu- black.
*284.poverty- khar- kurai
285.sorrow- khara- kai aravu ; ka= va; va= ka.
*286.jealousy- khara- kooram
*287.eating- khor- kori / gnaw
288.the foot- khor- kaar/ leg
*289.affliction- khur- kaiyaaru
*290.wounded- khasta- kaayam adaiya ; kaayam- wound; adaiya- to get.
291.cultivated field- khit- koattam/ field; kaeththu .
*292.wicked- khot- ketta
*293.a letter- khath - kaduthaasi ; kaththu ;root word is kaakitham- paper.
294.belonging to the district of Khoten in Central Asia- Khotan- koattam
295.starving- khyoda- kaainthida
*296.flock-khyol- kuzhu
*297.crow- kaka- kaakka
*298.Indian cuckoo – kukila-kuyil ill word- ko kath- ketta kathaippu ; ketta- bad; kathaippu- speech
*300.time/ season- kal- kaalam
301.uproar- kal- kalakam
*302.death/ time of death - kal- kazhiya
303.skill- kal- kai valimai ; kai- arm; valimai- strength ; ka= va; va= ka; skill .
304.worry- kal- kavalai ; ka= va; va= ka.
305.the head of a man- kala- enpu kalam; enpu- bone; kalam- pot; skull. kala- karu; Ra= la.
307.kali yog- kali kal –nikal kaalam
*308.the name of the snake / Krishna/ Yamuna- kali –kaal ili / no leg; kaal- leg; ili- nil.
* what time- kali – ek- kaalam
*310.canal- kol- kaal vaai ; kaal .
*311.cup- kol- kalan / vessel
312.a reed pen- kalam- mei kole; letters are jumbled; mei- ink; kole- stick / stylus
*313.stain/ blemish - kalankh- kalankkam ; azhukkaana/ dirty; letters are jumbled.
*314.a jar- kalush – kalam
*315.less- kam- kami
* kam- kammiyam
* kam- kaamam
*318.youth- komar- kumaran ; root word is kaamam urum paruvam/ the time for getting involved in love.
* komori- kumari
* kane- kanni
321.Hindu god of war- Komar- kumaran/ Murugan- the god of war of Tamil people.
* arrow- kan-kanai eyed- kon- kann- eye ; yaekh kann .
*324.corner- kun- koanam
*325.stone- kun- kann
*326.mountain stream- kani ara- kann aaru
* become angry- kupat- koapa pada act/ deed- kar- karmaam ;kaariyam .
*329.bracelet- kor- kaikaarai
*330.young girl- kur- kaarikai ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
331.barren woman- kur- karu uraa ; karu- baby /embryo .
*332.a glove -korr- kai urai ; kai- hand; urai- cover.
333.writing/ a composition-krath - katturai ; letters are jumbled; keeriyathu /written .
334.doer/ maker- kriy- aakkukiravar ; letters are read more than once; ka= va; va= ka. ; letters are in reversed order.
336.a destroyer- kata- kedu/ destroy; keduppoan/ destroyer.
337.heifer- kati –kidaari
*338.log of wood- kot- kattai
*339.a book- kitab- kaakaitha kattu ; kaakitham- paper; kattu- bundle ; puthakka- letters are in reversed order.
*340.stain /stigma- kath- kuththam
*341.story- kath- kathai
*342.male sheep- kath – kidaa ; goat[ E] = kidaa.
*343.a stick- kath- kattai
*344.hard /dry- kath- kadina/ hard; kettiyaa ; kaaintha / dry
345.necklace- kotha- kadikai room-kotha – kidankku
347.a granary- kotha- thinai koattakam ; thinai- millet/grain;koattakam-granary .
*348.chamber- kuth –koodam
349.a heap/ pile- kuth- kuviththidu /to heap; ka= va; va= ka.
*350.fortress- kuth –koattai
*351.a wooden granary- kuthar- kuthir of a sacred place in the valley of Arapath- kuther- koothur/ kaatur – village names in Tamil Nadu ; root word is kudi yaeru- to inhabit .
*353.hard/ difficult- kathyun –kadinam
*354.ferocious- kathyun- kodiya
* pound- kutun- kuththuanum
356.captain of the fortress- kutawal- koattai kaavalan; ka- va; va= ka; letters are jumbled; koattai- fort; kaavalan- guard; kudi kaavalan/ police ; kudi- village .
*357.vomit- kay- kakka
358.wooden peg- kyul- mulai-k-kole
*359.lamentations- lila- azhu
360. madness- mad- mathi eenam ; madness[ E] = mathi eenam paiththiyam./ piththam ; letters re in reversed order.
*361. intoxication- mad- matai adi
*362.liquor- mad- mathu ; mattam .
*363.stomach-mada- moadu
*363.fool- muda- moodan
*364.foolish- mud- madami
365.stupidity- muduth- mada thanam
366.dead- mud- madiya/ die
*367.mother- madar- maa thiru
368.pearl- mukhta- muththu kadukkan ; letters are jumbled; muththu- pearl; kadukkan- ear stud; kuthu muththu – false pearl .
* mokata- makudam ; mukadu- peak .
*370.the root of a plant- mul – mulai
*371.origin / source- mul- mulai ; moolam
*372.wrestler- mall- mallan
*373.fatigued- malul- melivu know/ to understand- karun- unaruka ; letters are in reversed order.
375.maternal uncle [ his wife is maman ] – mam- maama
376.breast/ women- mom- mei ; monni .
*377.mind- man- manam
*378.precious stone- man – mani
379.dignity- man- maanam
*380.Pisces- min- meen/ fish; meenam; pisces = paasi.
381.slow /dull- mond- mandu ; mantham .
*382.happiness – mankal – manam makizha ; letters are read more than once; manam- mind; makizha- to be happy.
383.heart captivating/ charming – manohar – manam kavara ;; manam- mind; kavara- attract ;ka= va; va= ka; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
384.thought – manan- mana ennam ; letters are read more than once; manam- mind; ennam- thought .
385.great reverence- manata- maenmai yoadu
386.incantation- mantra- munu munuththar / whispering/ murmuring
*387.pupil of the eye- mun- mani
388.being at the point of death- mara- maraiyim naeram ; letters are read more than once; maraiya- to disappear ;naeram- time.
389.Hindu god of love/cupid - mar – Maaran / Murugan [ Mars is his planet]
390.prince- mir- mannar/ king
391.peacock- mor- mayil; Ra = la. front of- mora- munnaar
*393.female sheep- mor- mari
394.dead- morda- maraintha ; mariththa [ Indo Iranian ]
* die- marun- maraiyanum
396.having died- marith – marinthida ; mariththida [Indo Iranian ]
*397.death- maranant- marainthida ; maranithhtida [Indo Iranian]
398.the hidden secret of anything- marm- yaarum ariyaama ; yaarum - any person; ariyaama- not knowing ; letters are read more than once; marmam [Indo Iranian ]
399.private intention- marwana- marivaana ennam ; maraivaana - secret ; ennam- thought .
*400.a blow with the fist- mushth- mutti adi; adi- beat.
*401.fist- moth- mutti of the head- masth- mandai mudi ; letters are read more than once; mandai- head; mudi- hair / top / summit.
403. drunkenness- masti- matai adi
404.mother-mata- moo thaai / great mother; thaai- mother.
405.calming- mata- amaithi adaiya
406.silence- moth- amaithi
407.kind of pulse- muth- muththu /grain/ pearl
408.respectable person- muta bir- perum mathippu udaiyoar ;letters are jumbled; perum- big; mathippu- respect ; udaiyoar- one who has.
*409.death- moth - madiya / die
410.madness- matil- mathi illai ; mathi- sense; illai- without; muttaal/ stupid person . become mad- matun- mathi eenam
*412.illusion- maya- maayam na- inmai
414.rare/ uncommon- nodir- arithaana; letters are in reversed order.
*415.nail- nakh-nakam
416.marriage- nikah- inaika / to unite
*417.the hollow stalk- nal- naala
418.nostril- nakwor- nukar karuvi ; letters are read more than once; nukar- to smell; karuvi- sense organ .
* nal- naala
* nala-naala
421.maternal grandmother- nan- annai yin annai ; letters are rad more than once; annai- mother.
*422.flesh/ mutton- nene- uoon
* nar- neruppu
424.reed- nar- naanar
425.vein /tendon- nor- narampu
*426.pitcher- not-undaa / big vessel for storing water.
427.plucking- neth- aainthidu
* nethr- inaithar / union
*429.drama- natukh-naatakam
*430.profession of an actor- natil- nadiththal
*431.ship- nav- naavaai ; navy.
*432.foot- pad- paatham; adi.
*433.a quarter of a stanza- pad- paththi
*434.created- paida- padaiththathu ; padai- to create .
435.step by step- path padi – padi padiyaa
*436.suffering- pida- paadu pada; letters are read more than once.
437.vulva- pod- pundai
438.walking on foot- paidal- adi eduththu nadaththal ; letters are jumbled; adi- foot; edu- take; nadaththal- walking .
439.father- padar- paththu eduththavar ; padaiththavar / creator; paththu edu- beget .
440.beggar- phakir- yaasakar
*441.fruit- phal- pazham
*442.the metal tip of an arrow-/ the blade of a mattock -phal- pallu / touth
*443.shepherd- pahol- payal
444.strong/ brave- pahilwan –vallavan; letters are jumbled. split- phalawun- pilkakkanum; ka= va; va= ka.
*446.pimple- phephur- paru
*447.hut- pahur- purai
448.hill/ mountain- pahar- parampu
* pahara- paaru / see/ watch
* old bawd- pharhad- paraththi/ prostitute
*451.departing- phirakh- pirikai
*452.separation- phirakh- pirikai
*453.haste/ hurriedly - pharphar –para para ppu
*454.speech – phis- paechchu
455.fine powder- phet- podi
*456.morbid swelling- phut- pudippu
457.plait- phut- pinnidu / to plait
458.a small bundle- phutj- podi pothi ; pothi podisu ; podi- small; pothi- bundle .
459.advantage- phoyida- payan adaiya ;payan- use; adaiya- to get.
460.ripeness- pokhtagi- kaninthidukai ; pakkuvam adaiya .
*461.flesh-pal- pulaal
462.blister- pona- pun/ ulcer
463.lump/ a round mass - pend –undai
464.sneeze- pond- sinthu
465.five- panj- anju
*466.fairy- pari- paei uru
*467.fear- paira- peeru
* village - pur- puram
469. highest- param – uyaram
470. love- prim- eeram
*471.a bird- paranda- paranthai ; paranthidu- to fly. fill- purun – nirappu ; letters are in reversed order.
473.unexpected profit/ fortune-prapath - perum paeru adiya ; letters are read more than once; perum- big; paeru- fortune; adaiya- to get.
* dig- pratun- pariththidanum
475.full of love- prayemi- perum eeram ;perum- big; eeram- love .
476.a celebrated place of pilgrimage at the confluence of Ganges and the Jamuna near Allahabad- prayag- perukkam/ neer perukkam ; flooding of water ; neer- water.
477.copper coin- paisa- seppu / copper; letters are in reversed order; sepppu naanayam ; naanayam- coin. .
*478.a flower/ blossom- posh-poo
*479.tablet/ deed- pata- pattaa
*480.small/ puny- pita- podi ; podisu .
481 belt- pito- iduppu pattai ; letters are read more than once; iduppu- hip ; pattai- strap
482.behind/ rear- pot- pinnaadi
483.woollen cloth- pot- puttam /cloth; padaam /cloth; patti / cloth.
* pot- pattu
*485.buttock- put- puttam- root word is pudaiththa- protruding.
*486.path- path- pathai
*487.long strip of cloth – path- pattai
488.bile- peth – piththam
489.below/ bottom / down- pathar –adiyir
490.a small village- pathr – puthur; puththor / new village; podi uoor; podi- small; uoor- village.
*491.foot soldier- pyada – padai /military /army on foot- pyada- nadai rud- neer oaadai ; neer- water; oaadai- stream .
494.favourite consort of Krishna- Rada- thoruththi ; letters are in reversed order.
495.mercy- rahm – erakkam ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
496.mercy - rahmath – erakkam udaiya ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
497.king- raza- arasar ; letter ‘Ra’ is read more than once . wool- rum- mayir; letters are in reversed order.
*499.husband- run- uriyoan
500.chariot- ratha- thaer; letters are in reversed order; rath= chariot.
501.night time- rath – eruttu/ dark
*502.accomplished- sed-seithida ; saathiththida .
503. sound/ noise- sadah- saththam; oasai idu; oaasai- sound; idu- make.
504.vegetables- sag- pachchai kaai ; pachchai- green; kaai- vegetable-
* shod- seithi
* shehr- saeri
*507.grief- shukh – soakam
*508.wealth/riches- shri- seer
509.poetry- shar- seer/ poetry metre
*510.a village about 20 miles south east of Sri Nagar – Shar- Saeri
*511.juice- shira- saaru
* beat a person- shuta- saaththu
513.hard/ rigid / difficult- sakath- kadumai ; kadinam . sina- ani
*515.confluence / of two rivers- sond- santhiththida / to meet
*516.river- send- sinthu /Indus
*517.joining- sand- saenthida
518. lake- sar- yaeri
*519.essence- sar- saaru
520.a staff- sota- thadi
521.together- suty – saenthu
*522.taste / food- swad- suwaiththidu
*523.a stitch / in sewing - tab- thei; theippu .
*524.trouble- todi - ittoattu
525.fatigue- thag- thakaivu ; ka-= va; va= ka; fatigue[E] =thakaivu .
*526.stopping of any work- thakh- thadukka/ to stop
*527.slapping the hands in this way – thuk – thattuka; thappuku ;adikka/ beat.
*528.slap with open hand- thaph – thappu complete /some work- theka- mudikka
530.urging- theka- unthuka
* agree /to undertake the completion of some work-theka- oththukka /agree. who is attacked by the horns of any animal- thuk – muttuka
533.thrust/ blow / by the horns of the animal- thol- muttuthal
*534.hammering into/ knocking in- thukh- adikka ; idikka ; thattuka .
*535.cloth- than – thuni
536.the leader of the group- thon- themmon
*537.shaking /trembling - thara- athira ; aaduthar .
*538.very fat/ plump- thath- thadiththa
* impediment- thoth- thadai
540.coppersmith – thothr- thattar / goldsmith
*541.running- tikh- oaadukai
*542. a stitch – tokh- theikkai / to stitch
*543.pounding- tokh- idikka
*544.bottom/ below - tal/ tali – adiyil
*545.beating time in music- thal- thaalam; root word is adiththal /beating.
*546.clapping/ fingers- thal- thattuthal ; letters are read more than once.
547.made of gold- tol- udal/ gold
*548.weighing- tol- edai iduthal ; edai- weight .
* tam- uoottam
550.tune / in music- tan – thoni / tune; naatham .
551. bank of the river- tir- thurai/ ford.
*552.obstruction- tor- thaduththar
*553.a kind of trumpet- turi/ turay – thaarai
*554.qualities- guna- kunam
*555.crore- koti –koadi /the end
*556.stitching- trop – theiththar
*557.beam / rafter- tota- thadi
*558.parrot- tota- thaththai
559.pony- tot- mattam
*560.praise- toth- thuthi
*561.a garment- tth- aadai
*562.satisfied- tothun- thaniya
563.mountain goddess/Parvathi - totala –aathaal/ goddess
*564.thunder – tatara- idi idiththar ; idi- thunder; idiththar- to thunder. fold- tay - madi
* close- tay- adai
567.bring to a conclusion- tay-mudi
*568.sheep- tyur- thoru
569.fully ripened- tayar- muththuthar
570.complete / ready / completed- tayar- yeththaniththar
571.searching- tshad- thaedu
*572.speech- wad- woathu /speak/ recite
* of a certain seed- wuda-vithai/ seed
*574.distress/ trouble/pain - wadal- woadal ; vaadal .
575.quickly - wudan –udanae / immediately
*576.speed/ velocity- vig- vaekam
*577.speech - wakh- waakku
*578.the hole/ rat- wal- valai
*579.time / season- vela- vaelai
*580.a large ear ring -wol- valayam/ ring wulay- uzhuval ; letters are read more than once.
*582.a request- venath- vaendu / to request
583.great liking- vir- virppam ; aarvam ;letters are in reversed order.
584. colour- warn- vanna niram ; letters are jumbled; vannam- color; niram- ray .
*585. living /dwelling- was- vasi
586.Vishu / lord – Siva; letters are in reversed order.
*587.joined up/ bringing close together - wot- votta
*588.road/ path - wat- weethi
*589.distress- watha- vaethanai
590. stomach- wath -wunthi of a river- veth- voadai / stream
*592.the lip- wutha- uthadu
*593.a camel- wuth- ottai
594.arrival -watsar- vanthiduthar
*595.fight- yod- adu
596.sacrifice- yag- kaavu; ka= va; va= ka.
*597.oneness- yeka- onnaaka yek-ennaikkai onnu; ennikkai- numbers; onnu - one.
* vomit- yekh- kakka
*600.all together- yikawata- kootta ; koodi .
*601.a pull- yel –izhu
*602.this side- yepari- ippuram
*603.which side- yepor- yeppuram
*604.fame- yesh- uchcham
*605. bracelet- kaur-kaikkaarai
606.a hole- zad- santhu
*607.a small hole- zud- sinna oaattai ; sinna- small; oaattai- hole.
608.quick- zud- sattu nnu
*609.a wound- zakhm- kaayam
610.water- zal- aazhi
611.a province- zila- paal
612.soil – zamin- munn holder- zamindar – munn udaiyaar ; udaiyaar- one who has.
614.time – zaman- mani
615.a man- zan – aan
616.woman- zan – penn zar- urai and other edible supplies provided for an official when visiting the village – zira- soaru / cooked rice
*619.clotted lump of head hair – zath- sadai
620.race/ family- zath – thinai
621.eternity- ebad – eppoathum / always
622.ego – aham/ Sanskrit - akam
* geh-akam/ home make a last farewell – alvidah –vidai ali; letters are jumbled; vidai- farewell; ali- give.
625.without stain- akalankh -kalankkam inmai ; kalankkam- stain; illai- nil .
*626.greatness- bir – periya
*627.the earth- bur – paar
*628.water fall- chor- soriya
* race- guthr- koottathaar / group
*630.accuse -gr karun- kurai kooranum ; kurai- complaint; kooru- say .
631.common mushroom- mens khel- kaalaan
*632.arrow- kan – kanai kruhun- kariya niram; letters are read more than once; kariya- black ;niram- ray/ colour.
*634.charcoal- kyiri – kari
*635.conversation- katha- kathaippu ; kathai adi /chat
*636.damsel- kiir- kaaarikai
*637.danger- khatra- kaedu ura
638.dig- khanun –kindu
639.dignity- mod- mathippu
640.dirt- mal- thooimai illai
*641.distant- ad- etta
drop- katra- kotttuthar gil – keezh
* ka- koo ; kaa . khyun – unnuka; letters are in reversed order.
645.edge- bauth- ottu
646.edge- bera- oaaram
*647.epistle- khat –kaththu; kaduthaasi .
648.evil- badi – theethu
*649.fable- kat- kathai
*650.face- mkh- mukam
*651.give birth to – zynn- sinai eenu ; sinai- baby ;eenu- to give birth .
*652.go- pakun - poakanum/ to go son- pon
*654.grain- galah- koolam
*655.grief- wadas- waethanai
*656.ground- kalaf- kalam
*657.husband- khawind- kondavan
*658.increase- hurir- yaera uyara
*659.method- wat- vitham
*660.middle- ti – idai
*661.mother- maj- amma; amaachchi / maternal grandmother
*662.mourn- wadun- waethanai
663.neigh – hinka – kanaikka ; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
*664.placed- tha- ittathu; idu- to place.
plait- gut- kattu
*665.river- darya- thirai
*666.banning- tak- thadukka
*667.banning- tor- thaduththar
*668.saint- pir- periyoar ; perumaan .
*669.serpent- serph/ser – saarai paammpu / rattle snake
*670.share- bagir –pakiru / to share
*671.side- pr- puram
* cocoon -pot guts- pattu koodu ; pattu- silk; koodu- cocoon.
*673.slender- ayul- olliya
674.sole of the foot- talpud- adi paatha thole; paatha adi thole; letters are jumbled; adi- under/ foot; paatham- foot; thole- skin.
*675.solitary- tanha- thaniyaa
*676.sound- awaz- woasai
*678.south- dakhin- theukku taruk- thee kathir ; letters are jumbled; thee- fire ; kathir- rays .
*680.stupid- maund- mandu
681.sweep- ddwun- thudaikka vaenum / to sweep; ka= va; va= ka.
*682.tank- kond- kundu
*683.teach- gata dyun- kaththu thanthidu
684.ten- dah- paththu
*685.that- yuth- athu
686.. troubled- khuts- ikkattu / trouble
*687.wealth- diyar- thiru
* alau –azhai
*689.cry- alau- azhu
690.lie/false - apoz- poei
691.liar -apoziyor- poeiyyar
*692.poetry- bait- paattu/ song
*693.vessel- bana- paanai/ pot
a village in khwihama pargana- Bandapur- a place/ tiger reserve in Chamraj nagar district -karnataka .
6*94.restless- betab- pada padannu ; pathai pathaippu.
*695.hungry- bochi- pasi
*696.miserable- ddalad- thollai adaiya
* cut- garun- keeranum
*698.ferry- gat- kadaththu
699.bath- gushal- kuli
700.complaint/ accusation- grao- kurai kooru ; kurai- complant; kooru- say.
701.cow herd- gur- koanaar
702.a small village about five miles from Shupiyon- Haripiur-
703. barking deer- kikur- kuraikkum maan ; kuraikka- to bark; maan- deer.
704.cloth- kapur- koorai
705. a bribe- kauts- kai uootu
706.ass -khad–kaththai
707.a village in Wular Pargana- Letapor- laadapuram/ Perambalur District – Tamil Nadu
708.evening- sandiya- santhi ;root word is santhippu / meet
709.sunset- sayam – saaya / saayum
710. roasted grain- saut- suttathu /roasted
711.power- shakht- kedi sharab- saaru / juice
713.snow- shin- pani
714.a dish consisting of rice /flesh /condiments- shair- soaru / cooked rice
715.saint- shunt – aandi sok- saaika
717.running- tak- oaadukai
718.a village in the Wular pargana- wawura- wuoor / village
719.answer- wttar-vidai thara ; vidai- answer; thara- to give.
720.a village in the Duns pargana -Wumpur- Aampur / town in Tamil Nadu zagat- kuththi